Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Unstruck Heart Chakra

There is a place I know deep in my heart unstruck by the blows of life. I must go there, roam and listen for answers.

This is my sentiment about the heart chakra that holds so true for me in my life lately. The anahata or heart chakra is the space within your heart that is omnipresent and unchanging. Anahata in sanskrit means "unstruck." I find this so graceful in an ever-changing world of impermanence.
How warming to know that it is always available to us: so take a deep breath, clench your fist, place it in the center of your chest, bow your head as you exhale, and touch and feel its 'green' warmth! It is always what it is. We are always who we are.
Open your heart, listen and follow its longings. Find your calling. It has already chosen you. Meditate on it. Discover what moves you. Lao Tzu said, "At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and what you want."
In other words, when you get to that place where you feel stuck, resistant, no where else to turn, sit with your 'uncomfortableness'. Present moment awareness brings you there. There is such vulnerability in it, but sit with it, don't repress, don't act out, don't blame it on anyone else, don't resist - for it is then that you will encounter your heart.
This is why we practice yoga to make our mind and spirit resilient enough to contain the intensity of our fears, doubts and insecurities and move closer to the answers in our hearts!
Please comment and let me know how you are finding your way to your heart.

1 comment:

  1. Timely words! I am just sitting in at all and following all the answers that come to me, feeling them out and being with all that comes up.
