Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gratitude for Yoga

Today, let us swim wildly, joyously in gratitude. -Rumi
Do you ever feel like you'll just burst if you don't get it out? Well that's how i feel and I'm thrilled to finally be putting it out there in the universe (cyberspace, blogoshpere) as i drink my daily cup of chai post-rejuvenating yoga class.

I've been journalling for @ 4 years about my creative/yogic journey - life. I felt my thoughts were private - but now i know they are not as the more i've come to understand myself i realize that we are all on this journey together. So join me fellow travellers for a daily cup of chai as we open the flood gates of our thoughts/feelings/musings.

Yoga has been my saving grace these past 3 years. It is a rich tradition/discipline of physical and spiritual practice. It has made my life a perpetual unfolding act of study, reflection, healing and becoming. My sadhana or personal evolution if you will.

In a very organic way while focusing on the breath, hatha yoga asanas allow you to feel sensations in the body and experience whole body awareness - present moment and connected. Further, meditation (savasana-relaxation pose) offers you freedom from the constant mind-chatter, guiding you to your heart (spirit, soul, consciousness, essence, intuition) where your wiser, inner voice can be felt and heard. How beautiful is that? No wonder i've stuck with it for so long! Are you thinking about giving yoga a try? If so, i highly recommend it!

Yoga is experential. You must experience it for yourself to understand the integration of the body, mind, spirit so often stated but not really understood. Perhaps you'll feel a wonderful sense of calm after your first class, maybe you'll have more energy. But stick with a regular practice & you are sure to reap all its benefits.

I think i need to search & read other blogs out there with similar subject matter, join in on the conversation, make comments and post links to my blog to get it out there & connect with others. I have read one recently i found a link to on http://themagazineofyoga.com/. It is http://ajablanc.com/ which is beautifully written with heartfelt sentiments. Apparently she is a regular contributor to the magazine.

So off i go out into the blogosphere to connect . . . Will let you know how that goes shortly. If you do happen upon my new blog, please pour yourself a cup of chai & join in on the conversation.
Photo credit: In gratitude, yoga art print: http://www.etsy.com/shop/corinnaluyken

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