Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Heart of Yoga

I would like to share a lovely, expressive poem from Dana Faulds, Go In and In: Poems From the Heart of Yoga

Lead me to the song of my heart
and help me to sing it unashamed.
Help me to stand before you in bare consciousness,
unflinching in your light.
Lead me to the expression of my soul
in all its fullness.
Let me embrace my humanity,
yet be anchored in divinity.
Help me unfetter the joy that I am.
Lead me to the stillness of my soul
where love and union dwell as one.
May I uplift others in the recognition
of their magnificence.
May I see the vastness of my own soul,
and embrace it, unafraid and whole.
She also wrote: "Writing became my way of accessing the spark of the divine that I believe resides within each one of us. That spark, with its wisdom, energy and truth was always within reach. It was the fuel for poems, life decisions, consciousness and being fully alive."

Her sentiments deeply resonate with me. My thoughts after reading her poetry:

Yoga is a beautiful life metaphor.
Lifes' challenges.
Groundedness. Groundlessness.
The journey. The destination.
Lovers. A marriage of two souls.
Soulmates. Vows.
Good with the bad.
For better or for worse.
The rug pulled out from under you.
Betrayal. Angst. Confusion.
Your life turned upside down.
Fear. Hope. Forgiveness.
I'm reaching for it.
Unearthing. Truth revealed.
Making space for the unfolding . . .

Telling our stories through poetry is part of our healing into wholeness. What's your story? Is yoga helping you to express it? I would love to hear how other souls feel about reaching for their hearts!


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